Just an interesting note for you guys - I was curious about Linux vs Windows, and installed a copy of WINE on my Linux box, and AZZ Cardfile happily runs under this.
WINE is a Windows runtime emulator for Linux, allowing Linux users to use SOME Windows software on their Linux machines. I am running Lindows(www.lindows.com) Linux, and their WINE for Lindows-OS.
I will continue to experiment with COPIES of my cardfiles, using AZZ Cardfile under Linux with WINE and see what happens. So far, I have been able to do all the usual Cardfile things, including searching, and entering my user-code, which I thought might throw both Cardfile and WINE for Linux, due to there being no actual Windows on this Linux machine...But AZZ Cardfile acknowledges the code, and works fine.
I'll keep you posted, and if it proves to work with no aparant problems, PERHAPS you could make a small note of this fact on your site - it could be a way to get Linux people into AZZ Cardfile!!!
Or Windows people into Linux!
All the best, and keep up the great work you do with AZZ Cardfile!
Graeme Rixon.

Azz Cardfile For Machining
AzzCardfile version 5 beta 8 released. Added: advanced search, default formatting. Some bugs fixed. Download the file (zip packed) to any folder on your PC (for example, create folder 'AZZ files' inside My Documents), extract zip - it will result in AZZ data file somefile.azz. Doubleclick the data file some-filename.azz - with AZZ Cardfile program installed, Windows will recognize the extension.azz and load the data file into program. AZZ Cardfile can import.CSV files, among other formats. For those wondering what it is, AZZ Cardfile( www.azzcardfile.com) is a great replacement for the old Windows Cardfile.exe application. But Cardfile.exe won't run under 64 bit OS. AZZ Cardfile can import directly from the old Cardfile. Address Book Azz Cardfile Data Base. Download File azzcrd33.zip (1.4 MB) All Software Windows Mac Palm OS Linux Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Mobile Windows Phone iOS Android Windows CE Windows Server Pocket PC BlackBerry Tablets OS/2 Handheld Symbian OpenVMS Unix. The program saves data into azz format and it allows for import from Microsoft crd files as well as export to delimited text files. Other features include card count and card sizes are limited only by system resources, customizable background colors, automatically sorts card list, time stamps, password protection, no database engines required, etc.